This is the planned route for the filming of my my music video, including all the areas and locations that i have taken pictures of in my blog. The reason i have used such a large area for my Music video as i attempting to make a continuous feel to it, as the characters are constantly walking throughout the video. I have also decided to use these specific locations for a number of reasons which i will explain:
- Firstly, i will be filming out of the window of one of my friends houses which is upon this route (shown in my locations pictures)
- Secondly, the start of my music video needs to be in a place with wide open spaces and trees near a road, their is an ideal location in the form of Heigham park which is a location i know well so will make shot choice easier to plan.
- As the band are from Norwich i felt including a famous monument of Norwich would add a nice touch but in a subtle way that will be noticeable by local audience members.
- The final reason for choosing this location is that their is a small underpass i am going to use, which has some really good street art on the walls and will change the contrast of the video.
I'm pleased with your effort, keep up the good work Jakob, don't forget to evaluate your location shots and explain the camera angles of the stills for higher marks.
ReplyDeletePlanning has gone from E/U to Dish I'm sure you will raise your grade within the week. Would be nice to get Level 3 at least for your planning.
Jakob you need to evaluate all your stills utilising media terminology. At present your evaluative comments (imcomplete) reflect minimal/basic technical understanding. Lower Level 2